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nice song~~ 我覺得她完全的把年轻人的感情都唱出來了...


KTV 原製為會員xglicox的...
好好戀愛主唱:王祖藍 / 彭家麗




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这里有Sheldon and soon eng

好想去,可是妈不肯...haiz!! 希望下次能够有机会自己去体验..

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Tis wat we order

my drink...ribena sprite...

Our food.can u see??mani rite?? mani til pengsan. quite expensive xia de. de food nt enuf we 5 ppl eat. tat ppl tel us de food enuf 4 5 ppl. sai...4 me i think de food jz enuf 4 1 ppl or 2 ppl.

Here de price...

Nt next time 4 having lunch here lo.haiz...

Did u ppl know y call after 3?? coz at thr after 3p.m we stil can eat lunch nt like other restaurant.hehe^^bt de price reli kill ppl. if u guy go thr dun order group de food. ned food fries rice or mee such food.haha~~

After tat we actually wat go see dog show bt nt place park car so jz go spring coz charles wan buy waffles coz he stil hungry.haha~~

At Spring i saw there is fire exhibition workshop exhibition

tis is train de child wat to do if burn by fire n how to open de lock while cant see. good 4 child i think.

Here de bomba motorbike

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今晚青团好后...我们全部坐福音车去喝茶.顾问也有去.我们去Happy Valley 吃supper...haha~~Summer说我们今晚的supper最丰富了.哈哈~~我们全部人都order BBQ pork/lamb/beef chop or BBQ lamb/pork pieces...

Here de food~~
me order de BBQ prk 1 pieces...cost me RM4.30

My sis de BBQ lamb chop...RM9.90

emm...here de lamb/beef/pork chop all nice...nt like last time i eat at sibu de nt reli nice.haha~~


This dog o...since we go thr he jiu sleep til nt wake up...haha~~we walk beside it also like tat. bt nt die...stil alive.hehe^^

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  • Mar 15 Sun 2009 09:03
  • spring



一, 我们去走走然后到MPH帮朋友买Story Book. emm。。我这懒惰的人在那里的电脑search了之后就去Customer service 那里叫他们帮忙找。结果被告知一本没货。无所谓。他们帮我找有货的那本。结果叻。。找不到。。既然出动所有员工找。。除了cashier la.haha~~害我不好意思去。。最后还是找不到。因为电脑显示有4 本。

最后我叫他们不用找了。。。选别的书。haha~~最终买到两本。。先生你看到我的blog记得要谢谢我 和那里的员工。哈哈。。因为他们和我们为了你很努力的找。。。哈哈~~


我既然只给她RM56.15。 神经吗??blur de!!那小姐一直算。。结果才算给我看然后说不对。。。哈哈。。朋友在旁边笑~~

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  • Mar 13 Fri 2009 00:37

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17岁女生 最后一次


最后一次 - 17岁女生 歌词
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛
不能再陪你 但不要忘记
先走了 去了好远的地方
不能再陪你看日出 等不到天亮
所有回忆 抹去 却并不容易
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛
不能再陪你 但不要忘记
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使尽全力 不想闭上眼睛
不能再陪你 但不要忘记
我 永远 爱你。


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This monday is skool holiday...so, our church MYF decide go Semantan Palm Beach for 1 day trip. Before we go Semantan, on de way we go to Tasik Biru too...

waiting at church then go 4 breakfast b4 we go to palm beach n tasik biru

Here tasik biru....nth see...jz de tasik. Sum ppl say we can see de tasik in biru in de photo. Bt i dun think so le...tat jz de sky de colour.hehe^^

Here de group photo we take at tasik biru.

After tat we start our journey again to Sematan palm Beach. On de way to Palm Beach...emm...almost 10 or 20 more minit to reach plm beach suddenly heard de cal tat Kelvin's car broken down.

Bout 11 sumthing we reach palm beach...

Well, here is sematan Palm Beach. we take bout 1 hour plus to reach thr.

Here is de view of Palm Beach...It's quite nice place...

Then we start our activity...

Every1 buz pt lotion




Play Game~~

Here my group member~~

After game we go eat lunch then rest. While rest, they go cycle bicycle.

After tat we start our game again. bt unluckily they water is veli high, so we jzply water ball then go ply water.

we go ply water...

Then we go having our dinner...

Here de Key Chain we get after bk from beach.

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但, 这只是一场梦。。。我要现实的啊!!

在梦里的短讯,你告诉我你要回诗巫因为有人过世。可是不是你的亲人。。我也忘了是谁。 之后你的朋友也有发短讯告诉我你会回诗巫。。。当时的我好开心。。。但,一切只是梦!!

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  • Mar 05 Thu 2009 10:57
晋道堂 我们在天上的父

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Finally the holiday is end and i bk kch le. Bt tis time bk reli quite buz coz need move room n go choir performance on sun.

This time i bk kch wit my grandpa. and my parent them all go miri to send my bro out study. At airport i saw mani pp. gt 2 ppl is relative de relative n 3 frd. Sibu reli too small.haha~~at airport oso can meet so mani ppl.

This time, the 1st thing i do after bk from sibu is go my aunt house eat lunch n then bk hostel move room. me n my sis wit 3 cousin move all my thing from 3rd floor to ground floor. then we jz clean de room n then arrange de room. bt it take long time coz reli too mani thing.haha~~bout 11p.m stil nt yet finish done arrange.

bout 12a.m sumthing after i ply game i direct go sleep coz sunday morning ned go church 4 choir practise a while n eat breakfast. This time choir we didnt practise. we jz practise on sunday morning.hehe^^de song is stil same as youth concert.

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2day, see siew invited us go out limteh 2gether in the morning. so, she n my sis decide go 茶坊 to hav our breakfast. While reach thr, the shop nt yet open coz too early gua. bt oledi 9 sumthing. Then, we decide to change place to"Roti cuppa Kopi". err...4gt de name is rite o nt.hehe^^ while reach thr, we suddenly saw Red Carrot which upstair of de sugarbun. At last we change our decision to Red Carrot.hehe^^Red Carrot is the place i wan to go 4 long time.coz last time pig head gt told me he go thr limteh. Finally tis time i go thr.hehe^^i found the design is quite ok la~
wit my sis^^

look...stupid girl boring waiting thr~~

taking photo while boring waiting...coz de food n drink out veli veli slow~~

HERE..show de design in Red Carrot^^

Design wit rock and kayu~~

dayak style.haha~~

Here come de 1st drink. cappucino...spelling dunno rite o nt. sry~~

shyuan wit Vanilla latte...expensive yo..RM7.50...i saw sugarbun de onli RM4.50

水饺。。。order by see siew

tis two ppl buz serve they food n drink while i stil waiting my food.hehe^^

Yau de Macaroni

see siew de 炒果条 bah...haha...4gt le
mine de 广东炒果条...can u guy guess hw big??
here...u can see...gt my body big la de plate. bt de mee....
de mee is so mani nia~~haha...bt enuf 4 my breakfast. if lunch or dinner i scare nt enuf lo.

~The End~

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Finally, video for youth concert 2008 at kch hv been upload. Here show u guy de video.

The song is 我们在天上的父


Here the group photo:

Take 1

Take 2

so mani ppl~~

Our shirt...puzzle~~"Got Jesus, Got Life"

This performance is held at Trinity Methodist church on 16 Nov 2008.

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YEAH!! finally i bought my new shoe...actually tis shoe i like it veli much since i saw it last few day..bt jz bcoz of it price is too beautiful, so i ned ask my mum permission.

How i know, after i ask she allow. So, i'm veli happy n then go see other type shoe again see whether gt more beautiful or nice shoe 4 me 2 choose. Bt, at last i go out whole afternoon i jz cant found any shoe tat i like. mb onli tat shoe suit my taste.haha~~

Then, evening while my mum finish work, we decide Delta mall buy my shoe...who know thr nt my size. make me feel dissapointed.haiz...

Luckily tis shoe gt stock at another shop whihc at premier. Then i try go ask again. I'm happy coz thr gt my size. But thr de kepo worker suddenly ask u wan wat type shoe, if sport tis shoe nt suitable...Damn la...then my parent annoying at thr n wan me choose another shoe. Bt...thr nt other shoe i like. i jz keep on see tat shoe...wait veli long time choosing, my mum say as i like. coz tat worker say tat is suitable 4 aerobic n walk. Bt i jz like it style...i dun k much. At last, i choose tat sport shoe.hehe^^bt my mood becum nt good becoz of they annoying make me confusing in choosing. Dulan...

Tis is de 1st time i bought so expensive sport shoe.hehe^^

Here my NIKE shoe~~

The side

Here de price...stil ok gua~~

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Well, did u guy know wat cost me so much??
see...wat tis??
Rejang specialist plastic bag!!
Here the thing inside.hiak hiak~~
see....so mani medicine~~

tis is de bill...can see??

Tis is de medicine which to cure my nose sensitive...hehe^^too mani...i ned eat medicine every morning n nite n spray it every morning n nite too...i ned face tis all thing 4 about 3 month then ned check up again. Hope after check up nt ned face tis scary medicine again.huhuh~~so...APRIL i wil bk sibu again to do check up.humm!!

Actually my nose sentive oledi start since f5...bt i see mani doctor jz cant cure. so, tis time decide go specialist 4 check...and the price is reli reli too expensive.

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你有注意到一条长长的东西吗??那是 蛇!!你相信吗??听说在KAPIT 呢!!




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17-02-2009 - 期待已久的龙凤胎终于出世了!!

这是20 年来的第一胎了。。因为之从我与我姐这对双胞胎出世后就再也没有双宝胎的出世了。



但, 双胞胎真的是很特别。。很多人对双胞胎怀有很多疑问。哈哈~~

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7/2 is de worst day 4 me...y??

因为我变回单身了!!他选者了离开我。当我看到讯息时,我以为他是醉了乱讲。但,当时的我已哭了起来。不知如何是好。只好回复他希望快快得到真实答案。可是当时的他还没醒。当他醒来时告诉我他所说的是真的。他决定离开我。这决定太突然了因为6/2 他才回到JB. 5/2 我们还一起去吃Sushi. 他的决定真的好突然,我无法接受。他选者离开的原因是因为他说“There were nt be an ending if we continue hiding our relationship wit my family." 这都是因为他的纹身啦!! 他说他想要的永远都只是一个梦。 但我始终不明白他想要的是什么??结婚??我不想问太多。也不想讲太多。我尊重他的决定。因为他要我leave him alone...我没办法。朋友告诉我他可能是不想再等我了吧!!因为我还要等两年才毕业。

他的决定让我哭了两天。。也很难入睡。一看到他的信息就会哭。那几天的我无法控制我自己。一有朋友提起他我的眼泪就留下。。睡觉时眼泪也会流下。因为我还想着他!!我已经习惯每天有他的信息陪伴着我。。但现在已没了。。。现在的我变得更孤单。。因为和他在一起时我很少找其它朋友聊天。但和他分开后,朋友们知道了都会来信息安慰我。 因为现在最需要的还是朋友。。还好有朋友陪伴和鼓励。。。我不再那么容易哭了。。。我要变得更坚强。谢谢你们的关心,有你们真好!!我需要勇敢面对一切!!但,伤心的事是很难忘掉。。更不用说忘记我们之间的感情了。你所带给我的快乐永远消失了。。现在我很努力和尽力量让自己开心但始终还是少了你给我的开心。

但,和你分开后你却要我答应你我不会变坏。 原本我不想答应你的。。但你一直要我答应你。最后我也答应你我不会变坏。我告诉了朋友, 朋友们也希望我不会变坏。但,不知我怎么了,自从与你分手后,我的脾气变得很坏。不知要怎么控制自己!! 我好想变个坏女人。。因为只有坏女人才会讨人喜欢对吗??好女人没人要对吗??





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