2day, see siew invited us go out limteh 2gether in the morning. so, she n my sis decide go 茶坊 to hav our breakfast. While reach thr, the shop nt yet open coz too early gua. bt oledi 9 sumthing. Then, we decide to change place to"Roti cuppa Kopi". err...4gt de name is rite o nt.hehe^^ while reach thr, we suddenly saw Red Carrot which upstair of de sugarbun. At last we change our decision to Red Carrot.hehe^^Red Carrot is the place i wan to go 4 long time.coz last time pig head gt told me he go thr limteh. Finally tis time i go thr.hehe^^i found the design is quite ok la~
wit my sis^^

look...stupid girl boring waiting thr~~

taking photo while boring waiting...coz de food n drink out veli veli slow~~

HERE..show de design in Red Carrot^^

Design wit rock and kayu~~

dayak style.haha~~

Here come de 1st drink. cappucino...spelling dunno rite o nt. sry~~

shyuan wit Vanilla latte...expensive yo..RM7.50...i saw sugarbun de onli RM4.50

水饺。。。order by see siew

tis two ppl buz serve they food n drink while i stil waiting my food.hehe^^

Yau de Macaroni

see siew de 炒果条 bah...haha...4gt le
mine de 广东炒果条...can u guy guess hw big??
here...u can see...gt my body big la de plate. bt de mee....
de mee is so mani nia~~haha...bt enuf 4 my breakfast. if lunch or dinner i scare nt enuf lo.

~The End~


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