Well, did u guy know wat cost me so much??
see...wat tis??
Rejang specialist plastic bag!!
Here the thing inside.hiak hiak~~
see....so mani medicine~~

tis is de bill...can see??

Tis is de medicine which to cure my nose sensitive...hehe^^too mani...i ned eat medicine every morning n nite n spray it every morning n nite too...i ned face tis all thing 4 about 3 month then ned check up again. Hope after check up nt ned face tis scary medicine again.huhuh~~so...APRIL i wil bk sibu again to do check up.humm!!

Actually my nose sentive oledi start since f5...bt i see mani doctor jz cant cure. so, tis time decide go specialist 4 check...and the price is reli reli too expensive.


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