This monday is skool, our church MYF decide go Semantan Palm Beach for 1 day trip. Before we go Semantan, on de way we go to Tasik Biru too...

waiting at church then go 4 breakfast b4 we go to palm beach n tasik biru

Here tasik biru....nth see...jz de tasik. Sum ppl say we can see de tasik in biru in de photo. Bt i dun think so le...tat jz de sky de colour.hehe^^

Here de group photo we take at tasik biru.

After tat we start our journey again to Sematan palm Beach. On de way to Palm Beach...emm...almost 10 or 20 more minit to reach plm beach suddenly heard de cal tat Kelvin's car broken down.

Bout 11 sumthing we reach palm beach...

Well, here is sematan Palm Beach. we take bout 1 hour plus to reach thr.

Here is de view of Palm Beach...It's quite nice place...

Then we start our activity...

Every1 buz pt lotion




Play Game~~

Here my group member~~

After game we go eat lunch then rest. While rest, they go cycle bicycle.

After tat we start our game again. bt unluckily they water is veli high, so we jzply water ball then go ply water.

we go ply water...

Then we go having our dinner...

Here de Key Chain we get after bk from beach.


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