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  • Jun 26 Thu 2008 19:56
男人一生也就那一次是最真的男人的爱一生 只有一次,每一个男人都是这样,他可以对每个女人说“我爱你”,但他一辈子只会爱上一个女人, 只有一个。女人需要的是一个关怀她,爱她,可以让她依靠,保 她一辈子的人.当她遇到一个男人时,爱的死去活来,山盟海誓。

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  • Jun 26 Thu 2008 19:55
如果一个男人真的爱你,他的手机会为你24小& lt;BR时开机,在你最需要他的时候可以随时找到他,因为 他爱你,所以会时时担心你如果一个男人爱你,他会很自豪的告诉他的朋友与家人你是他最爱的女人,当然并不是时时挂在嘴上 ,而是用一种行动去告诉别人,你是他最爱的女人!因 有了你他觉得很骄傲,无论你是不是真的很优秀如果一个男人真的爱你,他会把除了工作之外的很多时间都给你,当然会偶尔和朋友去聚会,因为他 时时刻刻都看见你。如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会骂你,在你很任性 候任你发泄,当你任性过去的时候,会很委屈的说:“ 老婆,我又作错什么了?你可以告诉我,我一定改,千万不要生气,那样会把身体气坏的如果一个男人真的爱你,他就不在乎陪你逛街& lt;BR会浪费他多少出去自由的机会,因为他甘愿失去那 谓的自由如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会还和前女友联系,因为 有了你如果一个男人真的爱你,他在每天很辛苦的工作回到家 的时候,会抱着你说“老婆,我回来了”他爱你,他绝对 会把快乐带给你!如果一个男人真的爱你,他会在清晨上班的时候,亲吻 眼睛,满足的说:宝贝,我上班去了! ”如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会忍心背叛你,无论 什么样的动机...因为在他眼里,你是最美的...如果一个男人真的爱你...那么,那么,那么...请你珍惜好他,好好爱他,为他改掉所有的小姐脾气,好好的心疼他,理解他,鼓励他,支持他!祝福所有勇敢追求爱的女人幸福.爱是相互也请女孩子好好爱你身边值得你去爱的男孩子!

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100% me
Build your own Blingee

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yeah~~finally i bk le.......bt getting sick. haiz...hate!!

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I Hate marketing veli veli mush....i think tis time suppose 2 fail as i see my own response 4 de ans. hate a........nw i jz prepare 4 resit liau. nt choice. i hope nt take at next sem coz i ned take 6 sub. MAARKETING a....y u so hard de. make me dun like u...i wan ignore tis sub la..wasting my time 2 study since last time until nt sleep.hemmm...hate....final is almost done. bt bk la still ned prepare 4 my marketing. coz i reli scare i fail it. may god bless~~nwadays oledi nt sleep enough. sumtime onli sleep 4 2 o 3 hours.huh~~~sot ki a~~

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2day veli veli lonely.....my sis nt at my side. she go 2 my aunt house bcoz of sick. exam is jz around de corner n she getting sick again. reli feel kolen 2 her....jz hope she can cover tis final exam.may GoD bless her n me.....i'm tires enough~~~

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wanna crazy lo..........exam is jz around de corner. haiz...onli left 3 more day 2 study.wat can i do??how can i finish all my study a??crazy....wanna boom....long time nt so stress liau...plus worry de result.haiz...GOD...pls bless me...i need u...

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  • Jun 06 Fri 2008 02:33
yeah.......tis holiday i enjoy wit my parent n my relative. my parent n my little bro come kch ply on the 1 jun. actually tat day is my grandma birthday. tis time is my second time didn't bk 2 ceelebrate. n my parent skip 4 de dinner bcoz wan come kch.hehe...bt they been stopped by my grandma 2 hv a lunch b4 came. tat nite my dad brin us go eat mani food tat long time didn't eat liau since i came here.then i stay at hotel wit my parent. waahh...hotel is so full. hard 2 find. at last we jz find de kch park bt onli can stay 4 1 day.then 2nd go relative house 2 stay coz they oledi bk. tis time all of my relative bk sarikei n sibu. even my mother side relative also bk. coz they wanna go visit my uncle who is sick since last time i bk 4 midterm break. hope he will cure soon. it's almost 2 month....haiz...reli kolen...

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  • May 27 Tue 2008 03:17
  • haha~~

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tis question mani of my frd ask me...i can't ans.haha~~last time day 1 of my frd ask me y i pt de fruit name in my msn. i jz keep quite.haha~~dunno hw 2 ans......hehe....nt ans de la...........

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  • May 24 Sat 2008 23:43
  • ...

wa~~i reli dun understand y mani of my frd say me every enjoy n freedom study at kch?? hw they know o??hah??whr they saw it o??dun understand. bt if prefer 2 my bro reli hv bit free la...nt lke him always assign assign until crazy.....me is always study study..........

i wan mention here..........pls dun force me study mo~~i hate a!!!

even u oso force me..haiz...wat can i do a??

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 24 Sat 2008 23:24
  • haha~~

yesterday my frd who lost 4 almost half month suddenly find me...huh~~shocked. dunno gt pro ma.haha~~reli reli long time nt see n chat lo coz we all buz 4 our own thing. bt...while i ask y so long time nt online liau?u know i miss u so much ma??haha~~her ans is i jz wan u miss me ma so dun wan online lo....waah~~qi shi...haha~~bt nvm la coz u stil rmd me tis frd.haha~~

then jz nw 1 of my classmate suddenly send...liang shyuan i wan suan mei....shocked!! y suddenly ask me 4 tat??huh...haha~~rmb liau coz last year i always buy suan mei 4 him.haha~~he like suan mei a lot a lot. haha~~ i promise him wil buy after i bk sibu .hehe~~i almost 4gt tat thing liau. he make me think bk our secondary life...happy life~~

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  • May 23 Fri 2008 23:35
  • YEAH!!

yeah~~i get full marks 4 my micro quiz even it's onli 3 marks after devide...hv bit shocked coz tat day i confuse in doing de ans...bt god strange help me...thx...i hav a bit happy can get full mark coz i never never think so i wil get it.coz since f6 me oleedi never get full mark b4 le..bt nw tis full mark jz a quiz....hope i can get better result 4 my final.......try my best....GOD bless!!

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huh....hot la tis few day...can't tahan liau.....reli reli 2 hot....hw cun de weather bcome like tis...hot until deaf lo~~jz like kering ikan. huh...

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nwsadays notice we here de frd reli hv bit crazy..haha~~we nw all hav 1 fruit name. n my name is NANGKA.haha~~ NANGKA NANGKA>>>haha....nice ma??sot ki... other fruit stil gt banana...guini...papaya...watermelon...pineapple...coconut.haha~~tat day do assignment boring until go disturb 1 of my guy frd...haha...dunno he gt angry ma...i think won't...coz he know i'm crazy liau.tat day reli funny until laugh til stomache...reli nice 2 disturd. hehe...never kacau ppl b4 n tis is 1st time i disturb ppl coz reli 2 tired n bored. haiz...crazy day.....

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Yesterday crazy…keep on receive wat radio wave will exposure de msg…2 mani…they say ned close phone b4 11p.m coz tat is nt gd 4 health. Wakao……mani ppl scare n close the phone.i didn’t close coz I dun bwlieve even they send so mani msg 4 warning.even my dear oso ask me close bt I dun wan. Hehe…dun wan believe coz jz like last time SARS oso.haizz… N oso 1 thing is bout de indo ppl which will call n if the num is red colour cannot here o…if hear wil cause die…sibu gt hw mani ppl die…bintulu gt..miri gt…kl gt…akai…all tipu de la…my mum told me newspaper say ll is false de la. All tipu tipu…onli they want earn moni so do so mani thing…waste ppl moni.haiz…reli bad. Y nwsaday de world bcome like tis hah…jz can say stupid ppl do stupid thing a…

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  • May 15 Thu 2008 22:55
  • ~~`

~~~夜风从细密的草地吹过, 梳理绿色的情感~~~

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  • May 15 Thu 2008 22:54
  • .....


shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天终于解决了assignment.交了.可是怕做错.好担心.谢谢朋友的帮忙. 但是还是不能relax明天还有考试. 考完下个星期又考另一课.好累.final要到了压力越大.中学的生活压力都没这么大.好累. 考完又要做assignment. 完了又要预备考试了时间不够阿

Aafter finish pass up assignment jz notice tat the marketing midterm result is out. OMG…saw tat result wil pengsan…so poor…hw can I pass my marketing tis sem a… gonna crazy…hw 2 study tat sub a!!! haiz…dunno y jz can’t study 4 tat sub…hard. Assignment oso dunno can pass ma…oledi try my best lo…haiz…bt after all thing settle…tat teacher suddenly take emergency leave at the next day.akai…wat she want to do a…even de final tips oso dun wan giv…apu…dun understand her…jz know I wil fail tis sub liau. Nt hope…

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Assignment due date is coming~~juz 2morow...wakao.......after 2morow ned study 4 micro test again after tat need do QA assignment again. Apu....how can i start my final study a...haiz...nw i'm veli scare 4 my marketing test...coz thr r reli nt tips. nt choice...ned study 4 own. teacher even nt yet giv bk midterm paper.dunno wat she wanna do...sot~~tutor oso can't help us much. i reli scare i wil fail tis sub. coz 'm reli hate it!! haiz...

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