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i'm touched coz my frd know my hand pain n help me take all the thing even thr hand r full. i told them i can take wit another hand bt they jz say nvm. i'm reli touched by them coz tis is 1st time i meet so so so nice de frd. i feel reli glad 2 hav tis type of frd....they reli help me much. n make me feel tat i hav been care of...wow~~reli touch my heart. reli reli nice 2 nice u gal...thx god 4 let me knowing u gal...thx!!

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2day is happy mother day 4 all de beloved mother. It is reli a special day. i rel feel regret 4 nt send bk my greeting card 4 my mum.haiz...nt choice. bt 2day is my 1st time cak bk n tel my mum happy mother day. bt she ask me whr is the cake.haha~~i jz told her wil buy when i bk...while i bk sibu, it should celebrate de father day..hemm...tat time reli ned buy a cake liau...coz tis time reli nt chance go bk n celebrate. Wish Happy Mother Days to all my dearest frd!!

after tat i suddenly think it, should i tell my dear 2day is mother's day?? bcoz he is bz wit his work.while i think n think...i think i should nt say. bcoz it may make him feel sad n make him think bk all of his sadness day...i scare i will make him bcome sad. so, the onli choice is can't say n oso can't share wit him 4 tis special day.

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nw i jz found tat uni life is reli nt same as secondary life...uni life is more suffer...nt such enjoy as secondary. nw i prefer more like my secondary life more than life at here. I hate uni life...need always study n study...haiz...cannot study at last minit n if nt pass can't continue 4 next level...wakao...haiz...nw final is more n more near....i jz realize tat i ned start my study liau bt....2 mani assign at side...haiz...

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  • May 09 Fri 2008 20:40
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yesterday, i went 2 spring 4 experience de ONE LIFE once again...i wan experience de life 4 3 different country which is cambodia, India n malaysia. i finish experience de 3 story.hehe...it's quite good.4 tat 3 country, onli 1 of de gal didn't get HIV. she is reli luckily.

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Friday noon, is my 1st time eat at vegetarian cafe which is juz opposite the Hock Lee center.coz thr r 1 of our frd is eat vegetarian. so she jz decide go thr 4 lunch. while we go inside de cafe, i juz told my frd tat name is cheat de coz i can saw de fish n meat.bt after we take all de food n start eating, i jz notice tat tat nt real meat n fish la....it jz make by tepung n vegetable n mushroom like tat...bt it apperance is reli reli look like the meat...OMG!! reli can't believe my eye. bt after eat, i feel it is quite good.haha~~bt sum of them keep on complain n say tat is de onli day we veli kolen...haha~~coz onli eat vegetable n mushroom.hehe~~ mb tis is de 1st time n oso de last time we ate at tat cafe.hehe~~

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2day me n my frd go 2 Spring 4 looking 4 de one life exhibition which helded from 1/5 until 4/5.
when u arrive de exhibition door we feel scary...haha..coz we reli dunno wat is de situation inside plus heard ppl say reli wil feel gan dong n wan cry...so...haha~~

The 1st step i step into de room i can smell smelly thing.then i start think izit inside reli veli scary...bt while i heard de MP3 n walk in..i can feel tat i'm staying in poor family house.the story is bout n of de mother is getting HIV. n all de ppl nt dare 2 going 2gether wit her.n her son is missing his dad. One day, her son get accident n pass away.n doctor check out tat he get HIV.n then i go 2 clinic 4 check up.OMG...me oso get HIV....haha~~

i get HIV~~positive sign!!

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final exam is coming soon... bt the assignment stil nt yet finish done a!! i wil bk on 13/6 soon...reli so fast~~

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Tis is my 1st time see Phua chu Kang reli person...he come Spring on tis fri n sat. 2day we go thr wit teksi is jz bcoz wan see him,haha~~crazy enough...haha~~coz actually we is go on fri bt when we reach thr oledi 5p.m. they told us Phua chu Kang oledi go liau.while we heard it we reli felt dissapointed coz we go thr jz onli wan see him.thr is reli 2 mani ppl...after finish de concert, thr hv a signature from Phua Chu Kang.bt 2 mani ppl until we almost fall down coz they keep on move on 2 front. SHIT la...haiz...at last we veli fast gt chance 2 go up de stage 2 take de signature from him. actuall i wan take photo wit him.bt while i ask permission they say nt allow.haiz...they say onli can take he himself de photo bt jz can't take wit him.them he jiu make 1 pose 4 me 2 take.haha~~~funny...

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  • Apr 25 Fri 2008 16:24
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at skool, i saw 1 guy is same as him..i dunno y...izit GOD arrange de...dunno??he style is jz like him make me like 2 view him more...bcoz he make me think bout him...even he oso gt tatoo...OMG...y so alike....reli dun understand!!

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My hand start pain agin...haiz...dunno wat happen again...mb is take 2 much thing wit tat hand until it wound start pain...hate tis feeling.haiz....

y until nw stil dun wan cure a.....i HATE it. coz i can't even take sumthing a bit heavy de thing wit tat hand n onli can use 1 hand. tis feeling is juz like org cacat...HATE IT!!
i never tot tat my hand wil become like tis after fall dwn. i stil rmb tat time i fall is 2/2/08...it's almost new year....i dunno y i saw so mani ppl fall dwn nt problem de n onli me gt problem....i reli can't believe at tat time.coz after i wake up, my hand stil can move as usual n my tauke help me rough it. bt...after few minit i sat at thr...suddenly i felt tat my hand can't move straight.at tat time i wan try 2 move straight, my heart feel pain n wan cry out. tat is reli pain in my heart...
tat time is oledi late nite...my mum brin me go see him hua mu...apu...she veli kuat a...jz tarik tarik...make me pain until cry....until nw stil veli scare of tat moment...reli reli pain...tis is my 1st time...haiz...self experience it juz know wat is pain.haiz...i go tarik my hand 4 3 time...sox~~bt same doctor...hehe...mb tis time bk sibu ned go do again coz my hand start pain again...jz hope nt problem....hemmm...hate....hate....hate!!!
HIAZ>>>nw jz can force myself 2 tahan 2 use tat hand.if nt reli cacat lo...nt energy...try 2 use it!!haiz...

nw every step tat i walk...i'm veli worry.........n scare 2 fall down again~~scary...scary...

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  • Apr 24 Thu 2008 21:31
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aiyo....2day order de food from cafe then saw a lalat a...oso pt in 2 goreng...hao er xin

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yesterday almost get accident again bt thank god 4 hearing my pray b4 tis....if nt i dunno wat wil happen again........haiz...thanks!!

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  • Apr 20 Sun 2008 21:19
  • YEAH~~

yeah~~2day get de thing i wan 4 long time.........bt finally i get it le.haha~~..tat is..........'zip pencilcase' . hehe~~ 2day me n my frd go spring. we all suggest go buy zig pencil case.hehe...bcoz tat zig bag reli look nice a....oledi wan it 4 long long time lo~~bt nw finally get it liau...haha~~emmm...another thing i wan get 4 next time is zig bag...haha~~~re li reli nice...love it veli veli muchie...hope get it soon.haha~~ned save moni 2 buy lo~~~hehe~~

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juz finish chatting wit u guy....so juz write a blog here b4 i go sleep.....hehe~~

wa........mid term holiday is finish oledi.2morow gonna bk 2 kch again....bt after bk muz study hard again 4 finaln do assignment agin.haiz...tired...at sibu oso tired...at kch oso tired...same la...haiz....miss u gal~~see u guy soon lo~~hurray....know u guy miss me so much la.haha~~happy 2 meet u guy...

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20/11/2007 - do wrong in my exam....hate!!

2/2/2008 - fall down n hurt my hand in my work place(parkson)...until nw stil nt yet cure...HATE!!

11/3/2008 - result nt good~~

14/4/2008 - hand nt yet cure come n car accident!! pokai a~~

tis all day wil be de day tat deep in my mind~~
hope GOD Bless me n giv me a peace life in de coming day.......

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YEAH!! finally exam wanna finish...onli left 1 paper 4 next week le...HURRAY!!
haiz...bt nw juz can sleep. oledi 2 day nt sleep liau.haiz...2day need sleep mani mani de 2 ganti bk...if nt...i oso dunno.haha~~dunno y tis time exam juz can't sleep.mb i 2 worry coz i didn't finish study bah.n tis is oso de 1st time i becaome like tis.huh~~ after exam need worry 4 de result again.haiz..

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i hate de day of 20/11...HATE!!HATE!!it juz make me feel sad...tat nite i cry bcoz i do wrong 4 my graf...mb bcoz of tis i can't pass my PA...n oso STPM. i dunno...i'm veli scare n worry...i juz keep on ask myself y i'm so stupid??y?? nobody can tell me...i reli can't accept it. i didn't hav heart 2 do de exam on de next day...coz my mind is still keep on thinking of my PA...dunno y...it juz like cannot dissapear n deep in my heart...until nw my heart stil feel hearted...i dunno y...hsiz...thx u 4 concern...u r de 1 who concern me de most n make me feel happy n make me laugh...i like it!!thx!!

SRY 2 make some ppl worry...sry!! sry!!

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