今天终于解决了assignment.交了.可是怕做错.好担心.谢谢朋友的帮忙. 但是还是不能relax明天还有考试. 考完下个星期又考另一课.好累.final要到了压力越大.中学的生活压力都没这么大.好累. 考完又要做assignment. 完了又要预备考试了时间不够阿

Aafter finish pass up assignment jz notice tat the marketing midterm result is out. OMG…saw tat result wil pengsan…so poor…hw can I pass my marketing tis sem a… gonna crazy…hw 2 study tat sub a!!! haiz…dunno y jz can’t study 4 tat sub…hard. Assignment oso dunno can pass ma…oledi try my best lo…haiz…bt after all thing settle…tat teacher suddenly take emergency leave at the next day.akai…wat she want to do a…even de final tips oso dun wan giv…apu…dun understand her…jz know I wil fail tis sub liau. Nt hope…


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