i hate de day of 20/11...HATE!!HATE!!it juz make me feel sad...tat nite i cry bcoz i do wrong 4 my graf...mb bcoz of tis i can't pass my PA...n oso STPM. i dunno...i'm veli scare n worry...i juz keep on ask myself y i'm so stupid??y?? nobody can tell me...i reli can't accept it. i didn't hav heart 2 do de exam on de next day...coz my mind is still keep on thinking of my PA...dunno y...it juz like cannot dissapear n deep in my heart...until nw my heart stil feel hearted...i dunno y...hsiz...thx u 4 concern...u r de 1 who concern me de most n make me feel happy n make me laugh...i like it!!thx!!

SRY 2 make some ppl worry...sry!! sry!!

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