Friday noon, is my 1st time eat at vegetarian cafe which is juz opposite the Hock Lee center.coz thr r 1 of our frd is eat vegetarian. so she jz decide go thr 4 lunch. while we go inside de cafe, i juz told my frd tat name is cheat de coz i can saw de fish n after we take all de food n start eating, i jz notice tat tat nt real meat n fish jz make by tepung n vegetable n mushroom like it apperance is reli reli look like the meat...OMG!! reli can't believe my eye. bt after eat, i feel it is quite good.haha~~bt sum of them keep on complain n say tat is de onli day we veli kolen...haha~~coz onli eat vegetable n mushroom.hehe~~ mb tis is de 1st time n oso de last time we ate at tat cafe.hehe~~

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