• May 23 Fri 2008 23:35
  • YEAH!!

yeah~~i get full marks 4 my micro quiz even it's onli 3 marks after devide...hv bit shocked coz tat day i confuse in doing de ans...bt god strange help me...thx...i hav a bit happy can get full mark coz i never never think so i wil get it.coz since f6 me oleedi never get full mark b4 le..bt nw tis full mark jz a quiz....hope i can get better result 4 my final.......try my best....GOD bless!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

huh....hot la tis few day...can't tahan liau.....reli reli 2 hot....hw cun de weather bcome like tis...hot until deaf lo~~jz like kering ikan. huh...

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

nwsadays notice we here de frd reli hv bit crazy..haha~~we nw all hav 1 fruit name. n my name is NANGKA.haha~~ NANGKA NANGKA>>>haha....nice ma??sot ki... other fruit stil gt banana...guini...papaya...watermelon...pineapple...coconut.haha~~tat day do assignment boring until go disturb 1 of my guy frd...haha...dunno he gt angry ma...i think won't...coz he know i'm crazy liau.tat day reli funny until laugh til stomache...reli nice 2 disturd. hehe...never kacau ppl b4 n tis is 1st time i disturb ppl coz reli 2 tired n bored. haiz...crazy day.....

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Yesterday crazy…keep on receive wat radio wave will exposure de msg…2 mani…they say ned close phone b4 11p.m coz tat is nt gd 4 health. Wakao……mani ppl scare n close the phone.i didn’t close coz I dun bwlieve even they send so mani msg 4 warning.even my dear oso ask me close bt I dun wan. Hehe…dun wan believe coz jz like last time SARS oso.haizz… N oso 1 thing is bout de indo ppl which will call n if the num is red colour cannot here o…if hear wil cause die…sibu gt hw mani ppl die…bintulu gt..miri gt…kl gt…akai…all tipu de la…my mum told me newspaper say ll is false de la. All tipu tipu…onli they want earn moni so do so mani thing…waste ppl moni.haiz…reli bad. Y nwsaday de world bcome like tis hah…jz can say stupid ppl do stupid thing a…

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  • May 15 Thu 2008 22:55
  • ~~`

~~~夜风从细密的草地吹过, 梳理绿色的情感~~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 15 Thu 2008 22:54
  • .....


shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天终于解决了assignment.交了.可是怕做错.好担心.谢谢朋友的帮忙. 但是还是不能relax明天还有考试. 考完下个星期又考另一课.好累.final要到了压力越大.中学的生活压力都没这么大.好累. 考完又要做assignment. 完了又要预备考试了时间不够阿

Aafter finish pass up assignment jz notice tat the marketing midterm result is out. OMG…saw tat result wil pengsan…so poor…hw can I pass my marketing tis sem a… gonna crazy…hw 2 study tat sub a!!! haiz…dunno y jz can’t study 4 tat sub…hard. Assignment oso dunno can pass ma…oledi try my best lo…haiz…bt after all thing settle…tat teacher suddenly take emergency leave at the next day.akai…wat she want to do a…even de final tips oso dun wan giv…apu…dun understand her…jz know I wil fail tis sub liau. Nt hope…

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Assignment due date is coming~~juz 2morow...wakao.......after 2morow ned study 4 micro test again after tat need do QA assignment again. Apu....how can i start my final study a...haiz...nw i'm veli scare 4 my marketing test...coz thr r reli nt tips. nt choice...ned study 4 own. teacher even nt yet giv bk midterm paper.dunno wat she wanna do...sot~~tutor oso can't help us much. i reli scare i wil fail tis sub. coz 'm reli hate it!! haiz...

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i'm touched coz my frd know my hand pain n help me take all the thing even thr hand r full. i told them i can take wit another hand bt they jz say nvm. i'm reli touched by them coz tis is 1st time i meet so so so nice de frd. i feel reli glad 2 hav tis type of frd....they reli help me much. n make me feel tat i hav been care of...wow~~reli touch my heart. reli reli nice 2 nice u gal...thx god 4 let me knowing u gal...thx!!

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2day is happy mother day 4 all de beloved mother. It is reli a special day. i rel feel regret 4 nt send bk my greeting card 4 my mum.haiz...nt choice. bt 2day is my 1st time cak bk n tel my mum happy mother day. bt she ask me whr is the cake.haha~~i jz told her wil buy when i bk...while i bk sibu, it should celebrate de father day..hemm...tat time reli ned buy a cake liau...coz tis time reli nt chance go bk n celebrate. Wish Happy Mother Days to all my dearest frd!!

after tat i suddenly think it, should i tell my dear 2day is mother's day?? bcoz he is bz wit his work.while i think n think...i think i should nt say. bcoz it may make him feel sad n make him think bk all of his sadness day...i scare i will make him bcome sad. so, the onli choice is can't say n oso can't share wit him 4 tis special day.

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