• Apr 24 Thu 2008 21:31
  • ....

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

aiyo....2day order de food from cafe then saw a lalat a...oso pt in 2 goreng...hao er xin

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Apr 20 Sun 2008 21:19
  • YEAH~~

yeah~~2day get de thing i wan 4 long time.........bt finally i get it le.haha~~..tat is..........'zip pencilcase' . hehe~~ 2day me n my frd go spring. we all suggest go buy zig pencil case.hehe...bcoz tat zig bag reli look nice a....oledi wan it 4 long long time lo~~bt nw finally get it liau...haha~~emmm...another thing i wan get 4 next time is zig bag...haha~~~re li reli nice...love it veli veli muchie...hope get it soon.haha~~ned save moni 2 buy lo~~~hehe~~

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yesterday almost get accident again bt thank god 4 hearing my pray b4 tis....if nt i dunno wat wil happen again........haiz...thanks!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

juz finish chatting wit u guy....so juz write a blog here b4 i go sleep.....hehe~~

wa........mid term holiday is finish oledi.2morow gonna bk 2 kch again....bt after bk muz study hard again 4 finaln do assignment agin.haiz...tired...at sibu oso tired...at kch oso tired...same la...haiz....miss u gal~~see u guy soon lo~~hurray....know u guy miss me so much la.haha~~happy 2 meet u guy...

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

20/11/2007 - do wrong in my exam....hate!!

2/2/2008 - fall down n hurt my hand in my work place(parkson)...until nw stil nt yet cure...HATE!!

11/3/2008 - result nt good~~

14/4/2008 - hand nt yet cure come n car accident!! pokai a~~

tis all day wil be de day tat deep in my mind~~
hope GOD Bless me n giv me a peace life in de coming day.......

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

YEAH!! finally exam wanna finish...onli left 1 paper 4 next week le...HURRAY!!
haiz...bt nw juz can sleep. oledi 2 day nt sleep liau.haiz...2day need sleep mani mani de 2 ganti bk...if nt...i oso dunno.haha~~dunno y tis time exam juz can't sleep.mb i 2 worry coz i didn't finish study bah.n tis is oso de 1st time i becaome like tis.huh~~ after exam need worry 4 de result again.haiz..

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

i hate de day of 20/11...HATE!!HATE!!it juz make me feel sad...tat nite i cry bcoz i do wrong 4 my graf...mb bcoz of tis i can't pass my PA...n oso STPM. i dunno...i'm veli scare n worry...i juz keep on ask myself y i'm so stupid??y?? nobody can tell me...i reli can't accept it. i didn't hav heart 2 do de exam on de next day...coz my mind is still keep on thinking of my PA...dunno y...it juz like cannot dissapear n deep in my heart...until nw my heart stil feel hearted...i dunno y...hsiz...thx u 4 concern...u r de 1 who concern me de most n make me feel happy n make me laugh...i like it!!thx!!

SRY 2 make some ppl worry...sry!! sry!!

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shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

yeah~~tis is de last day of skooling life in methodist skool.......nw we all ned 2 separate 2 mani other place which we can't meet each other everday...so...frd...pls take gd care of uself at another place...God will always be wit u all~~

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