100% me
Build your own Blingee

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

yeah~~finally i bk le.......bt getting sick. haiz...hate!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I Hate marketing veli veli mush....i think tis time suppose 2 fail as i see my own response 4 de ans. hate a........nw i jz prepare 4 resit liau. nt choice. i hope nt take at next sem coz i ned take 6 sub. MAARKETING a....y u so hard de. make me dun like u...i wan ignore tis sub la..wasting my time 2 study since last time until nt sleep.hemmm...hate....final is almost done. bt bk la still ned prepare 4 my marketing. coz i reli scare i fail it. may god bless~~nwadays oledi nt sleep enough. sumtime onli sleep 4 2 o 3 hours.huh~~~sot ki a~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2day veli veli lonely.....my sis nt at my side. she go 2 my aunt house bcoz of sick. exam is jz around de corner n she getting sick again. reli feel kolen 2 her....jz hope she can cover tis final exam.may GoD bless her n me.....i'm tires enough~~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

wanna crazy lo..........exam is jz around de corner. haiz...onli left 3 more day 2 study.wat can i do??how can i finish all my study a??crazy....wanna boom....long time nt so stress liau...plus worry de result.haiz...GOD...pls bless me...i need u...

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 06 Fri 2008 02:33
yeah.......tis holiday i enjoy wit my parent n my relative. my parent n my little bro come kch ply on the 1 jun. actually tat day is my grandma birthday. tis time is my second time didn't bk 2 ceelebrate. n my parent skip 4 de dinner bcoz wan come kch.hehe...bt they been stopped by my grandma 2 hv a lunch b4 came. tat nite my dad brin us go eat mani food tat long time didn't eat liau since i came here.then i stay at hotel wit my parent. waahh...hotel is so full. hard 2 find. at last we jz find de kch park bt onli can stay 4 1 day.then 2nd go relative house 2 stay coz they oledi bk. tis time all of my relative bk sarikei n sibu. even my mother side relative also bk. coz they wanna go visit my uncle who is sick since last time i bk 4 midterm break. hope he will cure soon. it's almost 2 month....haiz...reli kolen...

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • May 27 Tue 2008 03:17
  • haha~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

tis question mani of my frd ask me...i can't ans.haha~~last time day 1 of my frd ask me y i pt de fruit name in my msn. i jz keep quite.haha~~dunno hw 2 ans......hehe....nt ans de la...........

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 24 Sat 2008 23:43
  • ...

wa~~i reli dun understand y mani of my frd say me every enjoy n freedom study at kch?? hw they know o??hah??whr they saw it o??dun understand. bt if prefer 2 my bro reli hv bit free la...nt lke him always assign assign until crazy.....me is always study study..........

i wan mention here..........pls dun force me study mo~~i hate a!!!

even u oso force me..haiz...wat can i do a??

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 24 Sat 2008 23:24
  • haha~~

yesterday my frd who lost 4 almost half month suddenly find me...huh~~shocked. dunno gt pro ma.haha~~reli reli long time nt see n chat lo coz we all buz 4 our own thing. bt...while i ask y so long time nt online liau?u know i miss u so much ma??haha~~her ans is i jz wan u miss me ma so dun wan online lo....waah~~qi shi...haha~~bt nvm la coz u stil rmd me tis frd.haha~~

then jz nw 1 of my classmate suddenly send...liang shyuan i wan suan mei....shocked!! y suddenly ask me 4 tat??huh...haha~~rmb liau coz last year i always buy suan mei 4 him.haha~~he like suan mei a lot a lot. haha~~ i promise him wil buy after i bk sibu .hehe~~i almost 4gt tat thing liau. he make me think bk our secondary life...happy life~~

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