• Jan 14 Wed 2009 22:56
  • result

成绩终于出了。。。终于可以松一口气了。。。不必天天烦恼成绩。。。比我想象中的好。但是不是HD。。。但可以过。因为我以为我会败三科。。还好只败一科。。。败了FIS 那科。这学期是我第一次拿5个科目。。但我以经尽我的能力了。。。


OM - C
history - P
Law -P

tis de worst result i get!!


shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


今年新的一年我 是跟我的三位姨全家一起庆祝。因为二姨,姨丈,表哥和表姐全家特地从古晋驾车来诗巫玩。而表姐全家是从吉隆坡来古晋玩也来诗巫。12月31日晚我们四个家庭一起到restaurant去吃晚饭。这种气氛好久没有了。。

吃完后, 我们就带表哥表姐们到三洋大厦走走。。之后他们很累了就回酒店睡。。没有等到12点。 因为小孩子要睡觉。



今早我们全家8 点出发到酒店等我的表哥表姐们。。因为我们已约好了带他们去中华茶楼吃早点。吃好后我们就带他们到中央市场走走因为时间紧迫。。所以也没到别的地方。接着他们就回酒店收拾然后就回家了。


今天二姨和姨丈又来sibu 了。这次他们回来是要出席宴会。早上我们就带他们去farley那边吃台湾小吃。。。结果。。好兰哦那服务。点心只有三个车。。不到15样。。。面也只由六种选者。。walau eh!!好到不得了。。后悔去错地方。 没有下次咯!!


the food is so"MANI" bt de plate is so so BIG!!


tis mee almostsame as 1st pict rite?? bt name nt same...cookiing way n decorate is all same. STUPID!!


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walau eh............1st time saw ppl brin laptop go toilet de..............sot jor a~~~hahah!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Final is coming soon argh.....HELP....


tis time ned face 5 sub...duh.....i hate malaysian study most arh.....

FIS pula....stil nt yet learn it. onli 3 more week a...
FIS a....damn....y u so hard?? i ned love u much lo...if nt i oso dunno hw a...

stil hv 3 more presentation then jz wil free a....humm...HATE!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

i'm waiting n waiting...waiting de time come faster.bt....it's stil long time a.haiz~~ tired!!

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2morow gonna start skool again. tis is de week 2 of de study.haiz...2morow is de most buz day. i hav class from 9.30 to 5.30 n between thr r onli 1 hour break...haiz...dunno hw o...sure wil tired.haiz...y so stupid de pt de time all 2gether...huh~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Yeah...tis sunday we go Bako national park ply wit de church member...It's quite fun bcoz thr gt jungle trekking n we oso go beach ply. Bako Park hv mani monkey. sum r gd bt sum wil atttack ppl even nt allow ppl take photo of them. NW...i'm become black n red...coz of sun burnt!! pain n tou pi~~Below r the photo tatr i take at Bako...

Above r de photo tat take at bako... below is my hand after bk from bako...dark!! n de skin like veli thick n can't tahan tough...haiz...

Actually tis time trip is nt allowed by my dear n oso my family...bt at last i jz go...haha~~sry lo~~bt nw i'm bk oledi.hehe~~

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 08 Fri 2008 16:36
  • HATE!!

HATE o...hate tis stupid skool...wat tis skool is gonna 2 do ha?? dun understand. 2day whole afternoon go 4 settle de sub tat i wan take after receive my invoice bt all r nth. jz waste my mouth n time 2 ask from level 6 to level 1 n level 5....all r shit ans...even worse is sum ans is reli like shit ans...damn shit a u ppl....wat skool is tis ha?? "tis time u can't take de sem 1 sub coz sem 1 sub is all crashed wit sem 2 sub""u ned 2 take it while de time table is nt crashed 4 other sem"gd ans from exam unit.bt if next all sem all time is crashed then i nt ned take lo...stupid ans!! bt while check at level 1 is "onli 1 time is suitable bt is full n other 2 group is closed" tis stil can been accept.then saw my frd n they ask me go find de cooperater. bt stil can't get tat sub. so jz take it 4 next sem...STUPID SKOOL!!! n de most worse is i enrol 4 de MPW course bt nt in my invoice. ask them they say ned apply wit another form. bt while i ask they y my sis gt?? we enrol by same way. at last de ans is wait!! shit!!


shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

finally i reach kch lo...bt..kch weather is reli hot a...y o?? yester at plane i heard they gt report de weather of kch is 30 degree...OMG..so hot a...jz like april tat ime...haiz...hot til deaf...emmm...next week gonna start skool...i choose onli take 5 sub, dun wan take 6 sub liau coz they say almost all ned memorise so i jz choose 2 separate de MPW course 4 study in 2 sem...haha~~after start skool 4 1 week bk again...haha~~enuf crazy o...

shyuan3199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 20 Sun 2008 14:47
  • 5A~~

finally...i almost find bk all my form 5 classmate through frdster n msn. tis both r reli gd 4 us 2 find bk de frd tat we lost contact 4 mani year. i even find bk de primary skool classmate who going study at taiwan. we both r best frd since primary skool. bt after going 2 secondary, at 1st we stil gt contact. bt she move her house n change phone num. actually tat time she wan tel me bt i'm buz n nt hear her phone til we lost contact wit each other. at last...we met at frdster n start contact again.so, i i reli appreaciate frdster n msn which can help me find bk my frd which lost 4 mani year.

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