Yeah!! 2day is my grandma birthday.emm...tis is oso 1st time we celebrate it at sibu and oso at my house.usually we will celebrate at sarikei bt tis time nt same.
err~~tis mornig i wake up in de early morning 2 help my mom 2 prepare thing.then bout 8 someting some of my relative arrive. bt at tat time me nt at home. haha~~ nt need 2 help them.hehe~~after a while all of my relative arrive. my aunt busy cook 'long life mee' 4 them.after eating,some of them go out shopping.
then is noon time. we hav a party 4 my mom order de food from de is reli i can't cincai eat de food o.coz i get skin sensitive tis week.wa~~reli hate at nite my hand still veli gatal le. dunno y.mb some of de food is nt suitable 4 me.haiz~~can't control!!
after finish lunch, me and my cousin 9 of us go shopping wit 1 mani. my car is full!!bt nvm la...hehe.we go until all of us feel tired. n we go back home again 2 prepare ourself 4 de dinner at night at my cousin new house.
walau~~reli tired la while i arrive home after finish de dinner. then i need go sleep liau. reli reli tired!!tat all 4 me 2day.n i'm reli happy 2day.