finally de holiday is gonna ended...onli left 3 week...time passed reli fast. n de result wil out soon on tis fri(18/7)...worry leh...haiz...jz hope god can bless me!! then after 2 week i will be bk kch lo...tis wat i hope.hehe~~coz at sibu reli too too boring...til dunno wat 2 do.jz online. bt at kch de worse thing is can't online tsem i gonna take 6 sub.haiz...dunno hw 2 handle it. coz hv the history sub inside. n oso de sub tat i hate de most n most "pro" de.haha~~emm...2morow gonna go sarikei 4 settle sum thing then my grandparent wil come sibu.mb wil stay 4 long time coz my grandfather sick.n then.....dunno liau.......boring~~~~

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